Do what I’d ask? You know all the things…….
You see that was what I was what I was known for, being busy and juggling so much, If I'm honest I wore it like a badge of honour.
I was always willing and ready to lend and ear, give advice, be a shoulder to cry on until one day I just wasn’t anymore.
I’d had enough, I was in a bit of a funk, I had my own stuff going on, my life was far from perfect and I was done pretending.
I seemed to be always worrying about one thing or another my internal dialogue was constant.
I realised that I was worrier, but that was ok it was just one of those things, that's just how the women in my family were right?
It was really hard to accept and label my feelings because as women we strive to be strong, we cope, we push through, we get on with things, we are not allowed to show weakness.
But I acknowledged for the first time ever as suffering from
I decided there and then to make a change.
The more listened to my inner self the more signs and co-incidences would present themselves. The more this happened it encouraged me to explore and embrace spirituality and healing as that had always peaked my interest.
I felt fearless about doing so.
I felt stronger and empowered and so my journey of self discovery and healing began and it felt amazing.
I began to meditate, I bought crystals, I read, I journaled, I made more time for self care practices and began to feel like I was in control of my life again.
As a former active birth teacher and holistic therapist I had extensive experience of working with women, I found it enjoyable and rewarding to have supported them through pregnancy and birth. I wanted to take things further.
I trained as a wellbeing coach, I qualified as a reiki practitioner and I also became a qualified CBT therapist. These were all of the mediums that helped me on my journey and I really wanted to share the love and show other women how to use them too.
Life didn’t just magically get better there was inner work to do but all the knowledge I’d acquired all the training courses I had done all the conversations I was having with experts, colleagues and clients, It was all starting to align and continues to do so because I had the tools and techniques to help me along the way.
I even managed stay strong and seek comfort during a close personal bereavement. The single most difficult event in my life.
It was beyond painful but through my spiritual and wellbeing practice I found strength and peace.
And that's where my story truly began. In holding space and prioritising myself I needed to be truly authentic, after all this is what I was expecting from my clients.
I came to the dreaded realisation of what was happening to me in my personal life. A part of me was in denial, but deep down I knew and had
known for years. I couldn’t carry on like this enough was enough. I needed out of my marriage.
I was not at all prepared for what was to come but again drew heavily on my spiritual and well being practice and eventually I found freedom and in doing so I hope to find real peace.
Anxiety, Self confidence, overwhelm, not feeling good enough, feeling stuck. I was able to choose me and breakthrough and I WANT you to too!
There wasn't any one thing that I can say was the catalyst. I took a holistic approach , I wanted to transform the whole me.
We can get there together, through coaching, therapy and spiritual practice we can achieve the life you want.
I’m practical but nurturing, I’m can be a hard arse and also a big softy, I use traditional techniques and some not so widely used.
I wouldn't have been able to make lasting change without taking a truly holistic approach, so that’s how I’ll work with you !
I’ll lead and I’ll guide you but ultimately the journey to complete and holistic wellbeing is YOURS
Are you ready?
Coming soon