The N.lightened experience is my signature programme. A bespoke coaching experience with holistic therapy and hypnotherapy incorporated.
We will work a 1-on-1 basis giving you a chance to focus on areas of your choice you will get the support you need to move forward and set personal and professional goals that put you on the path to create the life you desire and deserve.
We will work together for 8 weeks. Our first session will be for 90 mins where we really get clear on the past, present and future you and together decide want you want to focus on. Subsequent sessions will run for 60 mins but don’t worry I’m not a clock watcher if we need to run over slightly to ensure you have got the most our of your session then that’s absolutely fine.
In between sessions there will be practical exercises, worksheets, and support via phone or messenger service where I will be available at a pre arranged mutually convenient time every week.
This is a tailor made programme unique to you, our work will encompass the following themes:
T – Thinking Mindfully
H – Healthy habits and routines
R - Reinvention
I – Inner Peace
V – Validation
E – Empowerment
Expect to be , help, supported, held accountable, called higher, affirmed, challenged, seen, heard, and pushed to your limits for the ultimate N.lightened life.